Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Manager of Human Resources of ABC Company Essay

The Manager of Human Resources of ABC Company - Essay Example Aside from the job posting in the office, I will also advertise in leading newspapers or via the internet recruitment sites. The next step is managing the response. We at HR will collect all the resumes submitted. After compilation of all the resumes of the job applicants, we shall shortlist the applicants to around 120. This is done by comparing each resume with the requirements of the employee specification. Our goal here is to determine the most qualified candidates to schedule in-person interviews. The next step in the recruitment process is the job interviews. The job interview will be clearly designed and agreed upon between our department and the line management. The aim of the interview is to discover the candidate who meets the requirements and fits best the corporate culture and the department. The panel will use the same set of questions with each interviewee. During this stage, the interview panelists will evaluate the relevant skills and experiences of the applicants. We shall also explore their interests in pursuing a career with our company. The interview process is essential in learning about the past accomplishments and achievements of the applicants. A part of the interview will also give the applicant a brief introduction about our company. This is necessary so that the applicant will also know whether he will fit in the organization. The interview will also include a selection test. ... will then be subjected to reference checks and a comprehensive background investigation, before an offer of employment is extended by our department. A verbal offer is then made to the candidate and if he agrees to it, a written offer is made. The written offer will specify the position and the compensation. The successful candidates will be required to submit the necessary documents and the other appointment formalities will be discussed. I foresee that the recruitment and hiring process will take around one month and two weeks. The next challenge to me is the training of the newly accepted employees. I realize that new employees usually feel anxiety and excitement during the first few days of their employment. I believe that training for these new recruits should, therefore, harness their enthusiasm, reduce their fears and direct their energy. An induction training will be conducted for the new recruits. The induction training will include general training, mandatory training, job training and the training evaluation. In the general training, the new recruits will be introduced to the organization, which includes our vision, mission, values, philosophies and the history and structure of the company. This is where I will emphasize how much our company values customer satisfaction and quality service. This training will be handled directly by the HR department and will take one day to accomplish. The next step in the induction training is the mandatory training which will also be handled by the HR department. This encompasses the corporate policies and business processes. It will also include the health and safety requirements as well as some of the legalities of the organization.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Labour party Essay Example for Free

Labour party Essay ‘To what extent is the Labour party still committed to its original principles?’ The Labour party has often been referred to as a ‘socialist’ party. However, this is misleading. For most of its life – dating back to the eighteenth century, the Labour party has always had less ‘radical’ ideologies than socialism and British ‘socialism’ has always been more moderate than elsewhere in Europe. However, the Labour party abandoned a number of its previous principles in favour of new ones, in order to move to the centre ground and enable the party to compete with the Conservatives. It seems that this was ultimately, a successful strategy as it resulted in Labour winning three general elections and beating the Conservatives. Some people are now of the opinion that the Conservatives have, in fact, moved closer to the centre-ground in order to compete with the New Labour party. Within true socialism, there is the idea that the economy should be based upon ‘production for use’; everything produced is just enough to satisfy human need and demand. Socialism also works to reduce or remove hierarchy. The most radical form of Socialism has been ‘Marxism’. Marxists hold the desire to completely destroy capitalism and its political system. It has been said that Marxism is more like communism than socialism. Although Labour has never been revolutionary, it has always argued that its version of socialism can be achieved in a peaceful way, through parliamentary means. All but the more moderate socialists have viewed social class as a crucial aspect of society. Some socialists assume that the majority of people define their position in society in terms of their social class. This was referred to as ‘class consciousness’ by Karl Marx and the idea is that people tend to develop common interests and purpose with fellow members of their class. For example, a number of people within the middle classes feel they need to protect private property interests, as well as feeling the need to promote and protect business and to keep tax as low as reasonably as possible. The working classes, however, are more concerned with issues such as the welfare state, industrial relations, fair wages, good working conditions and policies that promote equality. In most cases, business classes oppose higher wages, mainly due to the fact this conflicts with the need to make profits and generate funds for further investment. Until about the 1930’s, the British Labour party adopted this ‘class position’ as the Labour has always been forced to consider interests of all the classes in British society, in all of its policies, not just those of the working class. To some extent, the reason for this is the need of electoral support the party has always needed. For a large part of the twentieth century, approximately one third of the British public voted conservative and this meant that, electoral reckoning determined, the Labour party could not win by gaining votes of the other two thirds of the working class alone. Collectivism refers to two main ideas – the first being that people tend to prefer to achieve goals collectively as opposed to independently and secondly, action is more likely to be taken by people in organised groups than a sum of many different individual actions. Collectivism is the political principle of centralized social and economic control. One main example of collectivism practised by the British Labour party in the 1940’s was the nationalisation of several large British industries. These industries included the railways, coal, steel, electricity and gas, as well as telecommunications. Nationalisation was a collectivist enterprise and its purpose was to, firstly, prevent the industrial muscle of private industries exploiting its workers, and secondly, ensuring the industries were run in the interests of the community rather than just the owner. After 1997, for the majority of the time, Labour followed the principles of the ‘Third Way’. Yet, today, many argue that it has gradually shifted towards a ‘New Right position’ – that is, even further away from its original socialist values. The term ‘new’ Labour tends to be used to describe the change in Labour party policies, ideas and goals that occurred as a result of the modernisation process. This was started in the late 1980’s and was accelerated under Tony Blair, in opposition and in government. The differences between ‘new’ Labour and ‘old’ Labour tend to be defined by vital policy movements. This includes the abandonment of nationalisation and the recognition of the ‘rolled back’ state, which was inherited from the conservatives. An emphasis on low inflation, for example, demonstrated the wider role. Since 1997, the Bank of England has started setting interest rates; cuts in income tax and have started to refuse to return to the more ‘sharply progressive’ income tax rates of the 1970’s; cuts in some benefits and eagerness to push forward with market reforms of the welfare state. ‘New’ Labour can also be distinguished from ‘old’ Labour in terms of a weaker association with the trade union movement and a reduced reliability on working class votes. During its early years, New Labour was a party very much dedicated to reforming and modernising, but it was not a fundamental one. It did not make any significant changes to the policies put forward but the Conservatives, however, it did seek to improve the way in which policy was executed and it has also attempted to make government action more susceptible to the needs of the disadvantaged and minorities in society. Its principle reforms, therefore, have been to the public services and to the welfare state. Over time, the party seems to have turned rapidly to consolidation rather than reform. New Labour tends to focus now on improving the delivery of the policies it has already implemented.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

United States vs. Japan in Math and Science Essay -- American Education

Over the years, tests have determined that the United States has not improved in math and science compared to Japan. Both countries have a different approach towards school. This might be the reason why American students are doing so poorly in math and science. American education should be compared to Japanese so that both can learn from each other because even though American scores are down they still have great ways to educate students. Differences that they have are ability vs. effect, teaching techniques, and parenting. In Japanese education, prime factors of their success are viewed as effort instead of ability. In his article, â€Å"Strengths, Weaknesses, and Lessons of Japanese Education,† James Fallows says, â€Å"The Japanese school system acts as though intellectual ability does not matter, assuming that just about everyone has enough ability to succeed†(208). In other words, they must give it there all. Japan does not accept 90% because they aim for 100%. If Japanese students receive a grade of 90%, then they’ll study even harder to be ready for the next test. It’s great that these students put so much effort in their school, but with all their studying, they don’t have anytime to have fun. The down fall is that all their childhood memories are going to be devoted to school and not them having fun. In the United States, education is viewed more towards ability rather than effort. Compared to Japan’s education, all students are taught the same subject at the same pace. In America, students are placed in classes by their individual levels where some will continue on as other will have to take the whole year over. Also, parents too believe that ability takes role in the learning in their children’s education. It is like parents... continuing school knowing that its possible for the answer to be no. There’s not much pressure from parents in the United States for children’s education. Ultimately, in Japanese and in America, education has several gaps that can be fixed by looking at each others weaknesses and strengths. The horrific thing about the Japanese education is that they stress school too much that a thought of having fun is out the window. What United States education can learn from Japan is that students need to be pushed for effort in order for them to succeed. Group work should be involved more in American education since Japan is succeeding from it. The last thing that American’s should adapt from Japanese education is parent involvement. With the help of parents, students are more likely to succeed because they’ll have that extra help and push to achieving their school goals. United States vs. Japan in Math and Science Essay -- American Education Over the years, tests have determined that the United States has not improved in math and science compared to Japan. Both countries have a different approach towards school. This might be the reason why American students are doing so poorly in math and science. American education should be compared to Japanese so that both can learn from each other because even though American scores are down they still have great ways to educate students. Differences that they have are ability vs. effect, teaching techniques, and parenting. In Japanese education, prime factors of their success are viewed as effort instead of ability. In his article, â€Å"Strengths, Weaknesses, and Lessons of Japanese Education,† James Fallows says, â€Å"The Japanese school system acts as though intellectual ability does not matter, assuming that just about everyone has enough ability to succeed†(208). In other words, they must give it there all. Japan does not accept 90% because they aim for 100%. If Japanese students receive a grade of 90%, then they’ll study even harder to be ready for the next test. It’s great that these students put so much effort in their school, but with all their studying, they don’t have anytime to have fun. The down fall is that all their childhood memories are going to be devoted to school and not them having fun. In the United States, education is viewed more towards ability rather than effort. Compared to Japan’s education, all students are taught the same subject at the same pace. In America, students are placed in classes by their individual levels where some will continue on as other will have to take the whole year over. Also, parents too believe that ability takes role in the learning in their children’s education. It is like parents... continuing school knowing that its possible for the answer to be no. There’s not much pressure from parents in the United States for children’s education. Ultimately, in Japanese and in America, education has several gaps that can be fixed by looking at each others weaknesses and strengths. The horrific thing about the Japanese education is that they stress school too much that a thought of having fun is out the window. What United States education can learn from Japan is that students need to be pushed for effort in order for them to succeed. Group work should be involved more in American education since Japan is succeeding from it. The last thing that American’s should adapt from Japanese education is parent involvement. With the help of parents, students are more likely to succeed because they’ll have that extra help and push to achieving their school goals.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Domestic Violence Program Proposal Essay

Astounding statistics reported by the Children’s Defense Fund, â€Å"An estimated 3 to 4 million women in the United States are battered each year by their partners, In homes where domestic violence occurs, children are seriously abused or neglected at a rate 1500% higher than the national average in the general population, Between 2. 3 and 10 million children are witnesses to family violence, Based on an estimate of 2 children per household, in 55% of violent homes, at least 3. 3 million children in the U. S. are at risk of witnessing domestic violence each year,† (Retrieved, 10/12/2011, http://cdf. hildrensdefense. org). Domestic violence is a crime that affects every member of the family, including children. Many times children remain the silent victims that are abused both physically and psychologically. Family violence creates an environment where children live in constant fear and confusion. They are psychologically torn between the abusive parent and the parent who is subject to the abuse. They are affected in ways that make it hard to establish nurturing bonds with either parent. â€Å"Each year an estimated 3. million children are exposed to violence against their mothers or female caretakers by family members,† (American Psychological Association, Violence and the Family: Report of the APA Presidential Task Force on Violence and the Family,1996). According to a recent national survey, only about one quarter of domestic violence is reported to the police, making it difficult to accurately estimate the number of actual victims. The children in families where domestic violence occurs are exposed to violence in various ways and the effects usually manifest themselves much like that of an abused or neglected child. Because they may be direct witnesses to the abuse, many suffer irreversible emotional damage. They may also be in harm’s way themselves, have their lives disrupted by moving or being separated from parents, be used by the batterer to manipulate or gain control over the victim, and they themselves are more likely to be abused. According to a 2006 UNICEF World Report on Violence Against Children, â€Å"Exposure to domestic violence is widespread internationally and it is associated with other forms of child maltreatment. † Children can be direct witnesses to domestic violence; they may see abusive incidents or hear iolence. Children are usually considered secondary victims because they are witness to the violence. This can be harmful psychologically and emotionally. According to a study published in 2003, â€Å"Over 15 million children in the U. S. lived in families where intimate partner violence had occurred at least once in the past year, and seven million children live in families in which severe partner violence occurred,† Whitfield, Anda, Dube, & Felittle (2003), Violent Childhood Experiences and the Risk of Intimate Partner Violence in Adults: Assessment in a Large Health Maintenance Organization. In a 2007 study in the U. S. 38% of incidents of intimate partner violence which involve female victims, children under age 12 were residents of the household,† Catalano & Shannan (2007), Intimate Partner Violence in the United States. Children can be displaced by the domestic violence when they seek shelter along with their abused parent. While statistics are not available globally, many shelters take in children as well as their abused parent. According to a study of domestic violence shelters and services in the U. S. in a single day in 2008, 16,458 children were living in a domestic violence shelter or transitional housing facility, while an additional 6,430 children sought services at a non-residential program. From: The National Network to End Domestic Violence, (2009). Domestic Violence Counts 2008: A 24-hour Census of Domestic Violence Shelters and Services. These children see no way out of their situation. They withdraw and become fearful. Depression, aggression and suicide occur in higher instances with the children who are not attended to and left to cope without intervention. In order to help in a proactive capacity; as well as, be a catalyst that will spur on legislature and rights for children in a domestic violence situation, Lighted Pathways is a program that will be implemented in order to support children who live with violence and ensure a better tomorrow. Though it is said that children are resilient, it is imperative for them to be given an opportunity to thrive. Opportunities that allow for the child to create healthy bonds with adult, secure activities with peers, and gain a voice for themselves in a secure and protective environment will be provided. It is the purpose of Lighted Pathways to help the child that was either a witness, or a victim of abuse themselves to, gain extended support through various activities, create lasting bonds with supportive individuals; such as, Big Brother/ Sisters and a familial type unit, extend educational opportunities, introduce the child to community resources and opportunities otherwise unavailable to them, create a peer connection, and obtain free or affordable, long-term counseling. Lighted Pathways is set to create all of these programs utilizing resources from the, U. S.  Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth and Families (ACYF), Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB). Funds will also be rendered from the community, stakeholders, donations, and local funding and volunteerism. It is Lighted Pathways intention to assist the children victims and advocate for them in order to help them overcome, break free of the cycle of violence, and gain positive tools in order to be successful in their future endeavors. Lighted Pathways focuses on the whole child and the development in a multitudnal approach. The initiative will utilize advocates, psychologists, law enforcement agencies, both adult and juvenile, educators, child specialists and community leaders to assist in a preventative, proactive program; as well as, help better adjust those children who are victims. Field Overview and Current Trends In 1994, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges published a â€Å"Model Code on Domestic and Family Violence. † The code was not designed to be used universally, but rather one that should be adapted from state to state. Developed with an advisory committee composed of leaders in the domestic violence field from all over the United States including judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, matrimonial lawyers, battered women’s advocates, medical and health care professionals, law enforcement personnel, educators and others, it has helped to create stronger laws and enforceable legislation. The introduction to the code states: â€Å"Family violence is a wrong that needs righting in every state in this country. The key is community commitment to recognize, address and prevent such violence. Effective and enabling legislation is the cornerstone,† (Retrieved, 10/12/2011 http://stopvaw. org). Because violence against women is one of the predominant factors of children as witnesses to IPV or intimate partner violence or domestic violence, the organization’s code has been conjunctively used to make the youngest victims voices heard. Recently, the human rights advocacy groups Rights for Change and Aim for Human Rights have issued a step-by-step handbook for conducting research on violence against women. The manual provides users with a human rights background from which to view violence against women, explains how gather and analyze information about violence against women, and then describes how to use the reports to affect change in the area researched. This research is also being used as a cross reference and manual to guide for children. Domestic violence is a devastating social problem which has lasting impacts on every segment of the population. Each age group, race, ethnicity and class is touched by domestic violence, and many times it goes hidden and unseen. Up until recently, the community and resources have been directed primarily targeted toward adult victims of abuse; however, increased attention is now being focused on the children who witness domestic violence and intimate partner violence. â€Å"Studies estimate that 10 to 20 percent of children are at risk for exposure to domestic violence,† (Carlson, 2000). â€Å"These findings translate into approximately 3. 3 to 10 million children who witness the abuse of a parent or adult caregiver each year,† (Carlson, 1984; Straus and Gelles, 1990). Further research indicates that those children which are exposed to domestic violence are at an increased risk of being abused or neglected themselves. â€Å"A majority of studies reveal there are adult and child victims in 30 to 60 percent of families experiencing domestic violence,† (Appel and Holden, 1998; Edleson, 1999; Jaffe and Wolfe, 1990). This has previously led Social Workers to believe that taking the child from the parental home is necessary, but caution should be given to this action, as new inter-agency research suggests that children are manifesting other problems when displaced. Since children respond differently to domestic violence, professionals are cautioned against assuming that witnessing domestic violence constitutes child maltreatment or child protective services intervention,† (Aron & Olson, 1997; Beeman, Hagemeister & Edelson, 1999; Carter & Schechter, 1997; Findlater & Kelly, 1999; Spears, 200; Whitney and Davis, 1999). Various States are creating legislation that better defines child neglect and includes children who witness domestic violence. â€Å"Expanding the legal definition of child altreatment, however, may not always be the most effective method to address the needs of these children. Communities can better serve families by allocating resources that build partnerships between service providers, child protective services, and the array of informal and formal systems that offer a continuum of services based upon the level of risk present,† (Carter and Schechter, 1997; Edleson, 1999; Spears, 2000). National, State and local initiatives are promoting a more cross agency awareness. With this a collective and more uniformed definition and intolerance of abuse is being coordinated. Promising practices in this cross agency approach has included placing child protective service workers, child advocates and police officers in a supportive service arena. Proactive initiatives such as school awareness programs have been created, cross system protocols and training has also been more available for professionals. Integrated services and resources has become the prime foundation to help the adult victims; as well as the children who suffer domestic violence. A shared goal and collaboration working in a proactive way to prevent violence and the subsequent repercussions is necessary. Problems Faced by Victims â€Å"Children who live with domestic violence face increased risks: the risk of exposure to traumatic events, the risk of neglect, the risk of being directly abused, and the risk of losing one or both of their parents. All of these may lead to negative outcomes for children and may affect their well-being, safety, and stability,† (Carlson, 2000; Edleson, 1999; Rossman, 2001). According to research, childhood problems associated with exposure to domestic violence fall into three primary categories; Behavioral, social and emotional, cognitive and attitudinal, and long term. Each of these categories have a plethora of subcategories such as aggression, anger, withdrawal, self-esteem, bonding, poor peer relations, poor school performance, lack of conflict resolution, no social skills, in adults the symptoms manifest in depression, aggression, suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, and even a cycle of abuse and becoming an abuser. Children’s risk levels and reactions to domestic violence exist on a continuum where some children demonstrate enormous resiliency while others show signs of significant maladaptive adjustment,† (Carlson, 2000; Edleson, 1999; Hughes, Graham-Bermann & Gruber, 2001). Assessment of factors that affect the child regarding domestic violence is dependent upon the type of violence, exposure, the coping skills of the child, age, gender and whether or not the child suffered physical or sexual abuse, as well. The scars from Domestic violence tend to last far into adulthood. Adults continue to suffer the consequences of a violent childhood, and society has to pick up the pieces. The cycle states that they are more likely to commit suicide, abuse drugs or alcohol, be unemployed, or commit violence against their own partners. And with this, their children continue the cycle with a new generation of victims and witnesses. Because the child is usually not included unless he or she has been physically inflicted by domestic violence, the problem continues. It is a challenge to demonstrate the need to address the effects on children witnessing domestic violence and begin to establish effective solutions. It is important for advocacy groups and programs to support and nurture the child and gives them a multidimensional, therapeutic program that addresses the whole child, not just the physical or the emotional. Conclusion Domestic violence is the single most frequent cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 (â€Å"Family Violence Prevention Fund Domestic Violence Fact Sheet,† www. endabuse. rg. ) Domestic violence shatters the lives of its victims and diminishes the quality of life for everyone in the community. It is the leading cause of homelessness for women and families. It also can be incredibly traumatic for children who witness it. Focusing on the victimization of the child and the impact it has on their lives both presently and long-term helps to create a more positive outcome for those involved. Intervention and proactive programs such as Lighted Pathways are a start to assist in the rebuilding of the child’s psyche. A child who has a support group and a unit that is stable and nurturing is more likely to flourish and thrive. Success depends on volunteerism, funding and community support. It is also imperative that education, advocacy and legislative progress is made for these youngest victims. The dilemma of domestic violence is still an epidemic that seems to be swept under the rug and the youngest victims tend to have the most silent of voices. Lighted Pathways intentions and purpose is to give voice to these victims, support their needs, and strengthen their lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparison of Two Texts

Comparison In this comparison essay I will inform and elaborate the young people regarding two texts or theme related on travel. The first text is called ‘Southeastern Railway’ and the second one is known as ‘Find your Feet’. These two texts are really relevant two classify them as’ daily essential needs’, because more or less they are getting used by everyone. The first text is about their offers they are giving to the audiences, so that they can visit some places for cheap. The second theme is about walking to school, without having to use any motor vehiclesLayout Firstly, I would like to mention about the layout of ‘Southeastern railway’. This text has been laid out in a neat form; instead of scattering the topics all over by doing this it gives the reader some various ideas about different places. Whereas, ‘Find your Feet’ text is laid out in such a way that the bold text of it would grasp the teenager’s att ention straightaway. Pictures In ‘South eastern railway’ there are many colourful pictures to inform where a person can go to visit. This leaflet/poster is really informative comparing ‘Find your Feet’.This leaflet also contains regarding those places in Kent and London which are worth visiting and it gives a person to visualize him/her of it. On the other side, ‘find your feet’ is featuring three teenagers enjoying themselves walking to school. Language The ‘Southeastern Railway’ poster literally communicates with the audience with lucid, formal and coax English, due to their attitude and expressions they’ve used in the text. This makes a person to have some ideas regarding visiting those places. It also informs the reader regarding the offer which is 20% off.Whereas, â€Å"find your feet† has featured their language in such a way that only the new generation’s kids will understand. Additionally, it makes quit e complicated for other people to get their message, since they have featured slang English slogan. â€Å"Find your Feet† has only featured brief amount of text explaining the purpose of the poster. Thus, they knew that the teenagers wouldn’t like to read a whole page of information therefore they gave out less writing. So they had to use some uses of slogans and catchy titles using alliteration Bold text/Colour South eastern railway’ is really attractive it catches a person’s attention as well as their eyes with their vibrant colours. All readers normally like to have tints of colours in their articles; therefore ‘South eastern railway’ article contained it to make it a perfect article for a reader to read. The south eastern railway’ leaflet contains number of pictures in Kent and London, which is worth visiting and involve ones self in various activities. This gives a person to have visualization and think that if it is worth visitin g. Otherwise it is useless if there was no picture or anything.Nevertheless, ‘find your feet’ has primary colours to show that this poster is for teenagers. Subheadings ‘South eastern railway’ article gave more subheadings which makes the reader more enthusiastic in reading the article. So that he/she will know what part they are reading without having to look at it full in detail. Unlike ‘find your feet’ is just a full page picture containing teenagers being active and enjoying themselves walking to school. So this leaflet is really short to read. Visiting Places ‘South eastern Railway’ article informs lots of places, which is worth visiting.Thus, the author gave offers where a person can go and visit Kent or London. To visit either of these places a person can read a brief information regarding those places . Whereas, ‘find your feet’ has alliteration and a slogan where is again persuading by saying that ‘ditch the ride and walk to school’. It is also telling the audiences to go to school, where they go everyday which is not something new. Moreover, on ‘South eastern railway’ the author has featured two trains, one is fast and other is normal. Fast trains are for to visit big towers as well as cities.On the other side the small trains are for to visit the small towers and small cities. Purpose ‘South eastern Railway’ is really essential for everyday use as it is mentioned above, and their purpose is to persuade the adults to use trains to visit various places as part of their break. They can also take the privilege of their new offers which is 20% off from their original price. Whereas, the second theme/text has a lot of differences in comparing their colours, purpose, audiences etc. Their purpose is to make the teenagers walk to school, instead of using any motor vehicles or transports.The reason being is that, so that they can have healthy life and have a bit of time with their friends as its mentioned in the poster. Similarities Colour In ‘Southeastern Railway’ leaflet contains colourful pictures to show the beauty of those places which are worth to visit. This is another way to make the article interesting and it also gives you the chance to visualize, because without them it would look very dull and boring. On the other side, ‘fid your feet’ has use of primary colours to show the inspiration to the audiences to follow their message. Bold TextAdditionally, ’South eastern Railway’ leaflet gave out numerous amounts of bold texts and headings, so that the reader can have an impact on it. Not only that they have opened their website, so that the others can also have a look at their detailed information such as: 20% off offer, places to visit, off peak times etc. Conclusion In conclusion, it is a great idea to have these various types of colours to communicate with the audiences. That is what â €˜Southeastern railway’ and ‘Find your feet’ in order to get the audience’s attention. It is recommendable to add the extra features and formal style of English to communicate with the reader.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Capitol Punishment

Capital Punishment Introduction This day in age Murderers' actions are getting more and more incomprehensive. They are no longer just committing murder: they are torturing, mutilating and engaging in grossly inappropriate acts against fellow human beings. Behaviors such as this will continue if nothing is done to stop them. The death penalty is a humane way to punish the convicted and deter these gruesome acts. Early as 1930, we can find the first recorded execution. Between the times of 1930 to 1967 there was a recorded number of 3,859 people executed. The following nine years would bring victory for those against capital punishment, there was no executions done in this time frame. Gregg vs. Georgia, Supreme Court of 1976 made a ruling that "the death penalty does not violate the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause of the Eighth Amendment." The death penalty has been accepted by thirty-nine states of America (Newton, 1983). I will be showing how selections of death row are made. The last of subject matters that I will be touching on are the problems with the process of capital punishment and a possible more effective approach. I will also be concluding my findings and ending with a thought of my own. There are many logical factors that determine a person being sentenced to death. A criminal's past record and the seriousness of the crime currently committed are two major factors in determining death row sentencing. These factors are what have sent more men to death row than women. Some people believe that the selection of death row is unfair due to the number of men vs. women facing it. Jurors have many things to consider when convincing the accused. How brutal was it, how many people were killed, was it premeditated, was it torturous? These are all things that the jurors considering when determining the fate of the accused. Of course they also have to decide if the evidence proves, with out a doubt, the person is guilty. In se... Free Essays on Capitol Punishment Free Essays on Capitol Punishment Capital Punishment Introduction This day in age Murderers' actions are getting more and more incomprehensive. They are no longer just committing murder: they are torturing, mutilating and engaging in grossly inappropriate acts against fellow human beings. Behaviors such as this will continue if nothing is done to stop them. The death penalty is a humane way to punish the convicted and deter these gruesome acts. Early as 1930, we can find the first recorded execution. Between the times of 1930 to 1967 there was a recorded number of 3,859 people executed. The following nine years would bring victory for those against capital punishment, there was no executions done in this time frame. Gregg vs. Georgia, Supreme Court of 1976 made a ruling that "the death penalty does not violate the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause of the Eighth Amendment." The death penalty has been accepted by thirty-nine states of America (Newton, 1983). I will be showing how selections of death row are made. The last of subject matters that I will be touching on are the problems with the process of capital punishment and a possible more effective approach. I will also be concluding my findings and ending with a thought of my own. There are many logical factors that determine a person being sentenced to death. A criminal's past record and the seriousness of the crime currently committed are two major factors in determining death row sentencing. These factors are what have sent more men to death row than women. Some people believe that the selection of death row is unfair due to the number of men vs. women facing it. Jurors have many things to consider when convincing the accused. How brutal was it, how many people were killed, was it premeditated, was it torturous? These are all things that the jurors considering when determining the fate of the accused. Of course they also have to decide if the evidence proves, with out a doubt, the person is guilty. In se... Free Essays on Capitol Punishment The Ultimate Punishment Your choices would be either to die gasping and coughing to try to force toxic chemicals out of your lungs, or to be injected with a lethal mixture of chemicals until your body submits to the poison circulating in through your veins. That would be a rather tough decision to make. It is the decision made by a few inmates on death-row. These methods of murder are an example of inhumanities and injustices in today’s system of capital punishment. The commonly offered arguments for the death penalty are filled with holes. The death penalty has yet to be proven as an effective deterrent. And it is actually a continuation of the cycle of violence which â€Å"...degrades all who are involved in its enforcement, as well as its victim.†(Stewart 1) Realistically, the death penalty is an expensive and time consuming process. The death penalty is ineffective when it comes to serving justice to our society today. The most frequent argument for capital punishment is probably that of deterrence. The idea behind this is that criminals will choose not to do certain crimes for fear that a death penalty could be their punishment. Numerous studies have been created attempting to prove this belief; however, â€Å"all the evidence taken together makes it hard to be confident that capital punishment deters more than long prison terms do.†(Cavanagh 4) Going ever farther, the executive director of the Montgomery based Equal Justice Initiative, has stated that â€Å"people are increasingly realizing that the more we resort to killing as a legitimate response to our frustration and anger with violence, the more violent our society becomes†¦We could execute all three thousand people on death row, and most people would not feel any safer tomorrow.†(Frame 51) In addition, with the growing humanitarianism of modern society, the number of inmates actually put to death is lower than 50 years ago. This creates a situation in which the d...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Twelve Tribes of Israel

Twelve Tribes of Israel The Twelve Tribes of Israel represent the traditional divisions of the Jewish people in the biblical era. The tribes were Reuben, Simeon, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Ephraim and Manasseh. The Torah, the Jewish Bible, teaches that each tribe was descended from a son of Jacob, the Hebrew forefather who became known as Israel. Modern scholars disagree. The Twelve Tribes in the Torah Jacob had two wives, Rachel and Leah, and two concubines, by whom he had 12 sons and a daughter. Jacobs favorite wife was Rachel, who bore him Joseph. Jacob was quite open about his preference for Joseph, the prophetic dreamer, above all others. Josephs brothers were jealous and sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt. Josephs rise in Egypt- he became a trusted vizier of the pharaoh- encouraged the sons of Jacob to move there, where they prospered and became the Israelite nation. After Josephs death, an unnamed Pharaoh makes slaves of the Israelites; their escape from Egypt is the subject of the Book of Exodus. Under Moses and then Joshua, the Israelites capture the land of Canaan, which is divided up by tribe. Of the remaining ten tribes, Levi was scattered throughout the region of ancient Israel. The Levites became the priestly class of Judaism. A portion of the territory was given to each of Josephs sons, Ephraim and Menasseh. The tribal period endured from the conquest of Canaan through the period of Judges until the kingship of Saul, whose monarchy brought the tribes together as one unit, the Kingdom of Israel. Conflict between Sauls line and David created a rift in the kingdom, and the tribal lines reasserted themselves. Historical View Modern historians consider the notion of the twelve tribes as descendants of a dozen brothers to be simplistic. It is more likely that the story of the tribes was one created to explain affiliations between groups inhabiting the land of Canaan subsequent to the writing of the Torah. One school of thought suggests that the tribes and their story arose in the period of the Judges. Another holds that the federation of the tribal groups happened after the flight from Egypt, but that this united group didnt conquer Canaan at any one time, but rather occupied the country bit by bit. Some scholars see the tribes supposedly descended from the sons born to Jacob by Leah- Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Zebulun and Issachar- to represent an earlier political grouping of six that was expanded by later arrivals to twelve. Why Twelve Tribes? The flexibility of the twelve tribes- the absorption of Levi; the expansion of Josephs sons into two territories- suggests that the number twelve itself was an important part of the way the Israelites saw themselves. In fact, biblical figures including Ishmael, Nahor, and Esau were assigned twelve sons and subsequently nations divisible by twelve. The Greeks also organized themselves around groups of twelve (called amphictyony) for sacred purposes. As the unifying factor of the Israelite tribes was their dedication to a single god, Yahweh, some scholars argue that the twelve tribes are simply an imported social organization from Asia Minor. The Tribes and Territories Eastern  · Judah · Issachar · Zebulun Southern  · Reuben · Simeon · Gad Western  · Ephraim · Manesseh · Benjamin Northern  · Dan · Asher · Naphtali Although Levi was dishonored by being denied territory, the tribe of Levi became the highly honored priestly tribe of Israel. It won this honor because of its reverence for Yahweh during the Exodus.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Writing-Competence Matrix

A Writing-Competence Matrix A Writing-Competence Matrix A Writing-Competence Matrix By Mark Nichol The effectiveness of any nonfiction manuscript is contingent on at least three factors: the writer’s level of expertise in the subject matter, their reportorial aptitude, and their writing ability. (By extension, the performance of other potential contributors a developmental editor, a copy editor, a proofreader in the execution of their responsibilities is also significant. Consider references to â€Å"the writer† here to mean the editorial â€Å"committee† that participates in the development of a given formally produced writing project.) Subject-Matter Expertise The writer’s level of expertise may be at one of three levels: expert, learner, or amateur. The subject-matter expert may or may not have professional or scholarly credentials. However, the writer is assumed to be knowledgeable about the writing project’s topic to the extent that no further corroborative research (fact-checking) is necessary. The expert may benefit from some guidance from a developmental editor regarding the need to acquire additional data, but they are virtually self-sufficient when it comes to collecting and utilizing background material. An example of an expertly researched project is a work of scholarly writing produced by a university professor that pertains to their area of expertise. The subject-matter learner is a generalist who has a well-developed facility for acquiring the background knowledge and an aptitude for understanding the topic to the extent that they can write about it authoritatively, although a moderate amount of fact-checking may be necessary. A developmental editor may need to consult with the learner about additional or more effective research methods and the extent to which sources are utilized, but the learner has a good grasp of the necessity of thorough research and documentation. An example of a learner’s writing is a magazine article written about a new technological breakthrough by a lay writer who covers such subject matter. A subject-matter amateur, however, also a generalist, may lack the skill to develop a sufficient understanding of the topic and may therefore produce an inadequate manuscript, and the writing project may require extensive revision based on additional research, if such a step is taken at all. The amateur may need to be reminded about backing up the manuscript with corroborating research, and may require extensive guidance as to how to acquire the necessary data. An example of this level of writing is a newspaper article about the controversy surrounding a complicated legal issue by a reporter with no background in legislation or public policy. Reportorial Aptitude The same three levels of competence apply in terms of reporting skills. An expert reporter understands the scope of the manuscript assignment and how to obtain information from sources, whether people or documents. They also have the expertise and training to successfully draw valuable material from interview subjects and other sources of information. The expert usually requires little or no guidance from a developmental editor in organizing their approach to obtaining direct information. A learner reporter may need some guidance in strategizing how to determine who to interview, and how, but has an aptitude for comprehending how to gather data, insights, and comments, and will be able to competently carry on a conversation with people in possession of the information they need. An amateur reporter may be largely ignorant of the significance of the topic and may be at a loss as to where to begin and where to progress from that beginning once it is discovered, and may not have a knack for preparing for interviews and, worse, for digressing from stock questions to follow interesting new tangents. A developmental editor may need to provide extensive advice about obtaining firsthand information. Writing Ability A writer’s skill in composition can also be judged on these three levels. An expert writer is able to seamlessly integrate background research with information collected in the course of consulting with interview subjects and, just as important, has the aptitude for crafting a deftly organized and eloquently and elegantly written manuscript with a consistent tone, an authoritative voice, and an effective argument or presentation. The expert will likely need a minimum of assistance in developing a manuscript. The learner writer, although they have not necessarily mastered the craft of writing, recognizes the fundamentals of assembling a manuscript from raw materials and, possessing some talent in ordering their thoughts and expressing them effectively, should need no more than a moderate amount of developmental aid. The amateur writer often requires extensive coaching in the art of writing. The amateur may lack a command of the basic rules of grammar and syntax, and is likely to have only a modest vocabulary and an insufficient amount of creativity to craft effective prose, failing to understand how active sentence construction, concise description, and vivid word choices enhance a composition. Conclusion Before a book proposal is accepted or a book manuscript is commissioned, or an article is assigned, one of the tasks of an editor charged with coordinating the publication is to, at least informally, determine where on the matrix of subject-matter expertise, reportorial aptitude, and writing ability an author’s level of competence lies. (Think of a scorecard with a three-by-three grid, like a tic-tac-toe box, as an evaluative tool.) The degree of competence may differ in each of the categories, but the author’s comprehensive skill level will generally rest in one of the three degrees (expert, learner, or amateur). Diagnosing the author’s competence in the three components of comprehensive authorial talent will help an editor predict how much developmental and line editing and fact-checking a given manuscript will require and how viable the project is, or whether it is viable at all. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Royal Order of Adjectives Do you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?Punctuation Is Powerful

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

Business - Essay Example However, it is the customer base which determines pattern and content of the network. Both international and domestic travelers go through a given transport hub. Thus a wide network of retailers – commercial banks, tour operators, airlines, taxi-cab operators, insurance companies, healthcare providers, restaurateurs, hoteliers, transporters, liquor sellers, motel owners and so on – could be seen operating at different points. Paddington, as a pivotal train interchange, in London in particular and the United Kingdom in general, provides one of the most important focal points for the analysis of the retail marketing business in this transport hub. Paddington is part of the City of Westminster, in Central London, England. The township, along with the station, provides a much needed boost to the Central London’s economy and way of life. Paddington station has a commuter service to the west of London, connecting Slough, Swindon, Reading, Maidenhead and so on. There is also a main-line service to Bristol, Bath, Oxford, Exeter, Taunton, Plymouth, Cornwall, South Wales, Swansea and Cardiff. Then there is the main bus route to Elephant and Castle. Finally there is also the Heathrow Express service to Heathrow Airport. The Elephant and Castle is a major road interchange in the interior of the south London area. In short it is called â€Å"The Elephant† and has of two big roundabouts which in turn are connected by a short road called â€Å"Elephant and Castle†. The Castle Shopping Centre is at the northern roundabout, with Hannibal House, a shopping centre on top. It also has a large residential block known as â€Å"Metro Central Heights†. The Heathrow Airport is located 24 kilometers west of central London and has five Terminals. The 3rd Terminal is connected to both the Elephant and Castle by bus and to Paddington by train/tube. The retail marketing sector plays a much wider significant role here.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Communication Skills in the Construction Industry Assignment

Communication Skills in the Construction Industry - Assignment Example This paper shall likewise recommend that individual sites be treated as a separate business unit managed by a Project Manager. Site Managers or Project Managers should report directly to the project delivery Director to ensure that accountability and deliverables for each project are monitored more effectively. The changes shall also ensure that reporting lines and administrative responsibilities are delineated and established that will clear any ambiguities amongst the personnel at the construction site. A detailed task list on a per module basis during construction phases will make it possible to report a more accurate construction status. This strategy will also enable the project management group to monitor usage of materials and wastage. The foreman will report materials usage, completion status, and manpower consumption. Being informed of the exact construction status on a more regular basis, client expectation will be easier to manage. Determining the critical path will enable any site manager to determine the exact time for construction materials to be delivered. This will lessen the cost of warehousing and materials storage. Heavy equipment use will also be predictable which will lessen the rental cost and parking cost. As a predicate, the construction operation is normally conducted in this manner—during Fridays, foremen are mandated to report the status of the section they are supposed to complete for the week. On Saturdays, based on the report given by the foremen, a verification team inspects the completion stage or the status of each of the work order. On Sundays, the project leaders compare the completed work orders base on the project plan of the building. Base on the completion status, delivery of materials and heavy equipment rentals for the work order that is scheduled to be completed for the week are then reserved for the following week. If there is some misunderstanding with regards to the expectation and the work orders completed, r evision as well as the new instructions, the architects and engineers are called to provide more detailed instruction on the Monday-morning foreman’s meeting.

Important Change management in Abu Dhabi police department Essay

Important Change management in Abu Dhabi police department - Essay Example This model was developed through cooperation between the police, city departments and the community. The community policing structure contains police officers, community relations officers, neighborhood watches and other parties. Over the fifty-three years since its establishment, the Abu Dhabi Police Department has seen expansion in both structure and scope. A major motivation to modernize and re-structure the ADP has come from the rapid growth in the population of UAE, especially that of Abu Dhabi. According to 2006 statistics, the UAE population was estimated at 2.94 million, with a growth rate of 6.5%, while the Abu Dhabi population was estimated at 1.5 million (Abu Dhabi Department of Planning and Economy, 2009). This high growth rate has been due to rapid economic growth, which has attracted large-scale immigration from neighbouring Arab countries, the Indian sub-continent, and the Far East. Economic development led to the adoption of advanced technologies even by criminals, who have undertaken ever more sophisticated crimes related to trade, drugs and money laundering. In addition, changes in lifestyles led to weakening of family ties and resulting in many people living alone and isolated. As a result of these changes, the ADP realized that it would have to change its traditional approach in order to improve its performance in preventing crime. More specifically, ADP has made an effort to initiate a Community Policing Program that will engage the mutual participation of the police and the public in crime prevention. To initiate a closer and more casual relationship between the ADP and the local public. Police work does not begin only after theft or other crimes have occurred but should be preventive in nature and include the involvement of the community. More interaction between the local public and the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial organisation for the 21st Century - Assignment Example suggests that corporations have a duty to society to act in ways that benefit everyone and promotes social justice—to try to neuter the capitalist impulses that allow companies to be competitive and make profits. Nevertheless, many companies have done it to try to burnish their reputations in crowded marketplaces. The truth is that there are many ways to go about instilling this kind of thinking within the company. Part of it can be external, with us investing in causes that we think are appropriate. Another way to do it is through values and codes of ethics. Some say that spending money on CSR is a waste and that we should focus on improving profitability and returning money to our shareholders. That idea may be short-sighted. As one leading researcher recently wrote: Opinion and research has been divided regarding the relationship between CSR and financial performance. On the one had, conventional wisdom would assume that CSR has been considered as a zero-sum tradeoff with profitability: more money spent on CSR means less spent on increasing market share, or re-investment. Conversely, academic thought has also suggested that those companies, who appear to be more responsible in the areas of environment and societal behavior, would more attractive for investors, and therefore perform better financially (Cavett-Goodwin 2007). All of these are important considerations as we look at the pluses and minuses of this possible strategy in the next section. We must be mindful that CSR is not zero-sum, but that everyone can benefit from using it. It can do a lot of good for a great many people. A question that has troubled many people since the dawn of time is how should a person lead a good, ethical life? Furthermore, how should a business behave in an ethical manner? There are as many theories as there are grains of sand on the beach, but a few ideas over the years have been more popular than others. Some people are born into religions where these questions are

Think like a biologist Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Think like a biologist - Case Study Example Primarily, we repose on failure of the statement that the human eye is a result of evolution coming from the analysis of eye components and their cooperation while working. In particular, â€Å"If you look at these [evolutionary] schemes, they often very abruptly add a lens or a cornea† (Than, 2010), while there is no such a process in the world when a part of an organism appears from nowhere and instantly connects with other parts in functioning. Probably, there must be a stronger argument than that one according to which there has been a simple sightless organism at the beginning that has transformed into the highest creature (a human being) with the eye almost universally adoptable for numerous needs of its owner. As for the claim of intelligent design of the human eye it sounds more argumentative. Although, there is no written proofs representing peculiarities of eye functioning or visual perception of people in different times since creation of Adam and Eve, today’s researches evidence that the human eye is unique in its general mechanisms, which parts are inseparable, for they all actively participate in sense of sight and removal of any of them leads to the critical reduction in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for your financial organisation for the 21st Century - Assignment Example suggests that corporations have a duty to society to act in ways that benefit everyone and promotes social justice—to try to neuter the capitalist impulses that allow companies to be competitive and make profits. Nevertheless, many companies have done it to try to burnish their reputations in crowded marketplaces. The truth is that there are many ways to go about instilling this kind of thinking within the company. Part of it can be external, with us investing in causes that we think are appropriate. Another way to do it is through values and codes of ethics. Some say that spending money on CSR is a waste and that we should focus on improving profitability and returning money to our shareholders. That idea may be short-sighted. As one leading researcher recently wrote: Opinion and research has been divided regarding the relationship between CSR and financial performance. On the one had, conventional wisdom would assume that CSR has been considered as a zero-sum tradeoff with profitability: more money spent on CSR means less spent on increasing market share, or re-investment. Conversely, academic thought has also suggested that those companies, who appear to be more responsible in the areas of environment and societal behavior, would more attractive for investors, and therefore perform better financially (Cavett-Goodwin 2007). All of these are important considerations as we look at the pluses and minuses of this possible strategy in the next section. We must be mindful that CSR is not zero-sum, but that everyone can benefit from using it. It can do a lot of good for a great many people. A question that has troubled many people since the dawn of time is how should a person lead a good, ethical life? Furthermore, how should a business behave in an ethical manner? There are as many theories as there are grains of sand on the beach, but a few ideas over the years have been more popular than others. Some people are born into religions where these questions are

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Paraphrase Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paraphrase - Essay Example One inclusive cycle of the waveform, or the time in which it takes to complete, is referred to as a period. Another component of a sinusoid is the amplitude, or the total quantity of pressure variation surrounding the mean of the wavelength. The final specification of a sinusoid is the part of the cycle where the wave progresses relative to a particular fixed point in time, referred to as the phase. Phase is only a crucial aspect to consider for the measurement of continuous sinusoids, because one is forced to reflect upon the relationship between two or more different waves, rather than just a single wave. However, because the vowel is considered to be a complex waveform, it can be evaluated by converting the complex waveforms into a series of sinusoids distinguished by specific frequencies, amplitudes and phases. In doing so, it is determined that a vowel has two difference frequencies, one high and one low. The sinusoids of low frequency lean towards a higher amplitude, while the sinusoids of high frequency are nearly equally balanced in amplitude from the mean. The combination of two sinusoids of two different frequencies results in a complex wave. This is accomplished by adding low and high frequencies, in which the frequency is maintained in the resulting wave. Also, a complex wave can be formed by adding two amplitudes at a suitable point in time. The perceived shape of the complex wave is reliant upon the relative frequency, amplitude and phase of each aspect of the sine wave. Vowel acoustics are examined by the relative results of the formants. According to Benade in the 1976 study, formants are â€Å"the peaks that are observed in the spectrum envelope†. This can be observed through dark bands which appear on a spectrogram, signifying acoustic resonances emitted from the vocal tract. The vocal tract operates as a resonant cavity and the placement of certain facial features, including the tongue, jaw and lips, results in different

National Netball Coach Essay Example for Free

National Netball Coach Essay The national England Netball coach Lesley Dixon does not have to organise matches or transport because the league it self sorts them details out. Mrs Hyams on the other hand has to contact other local teams and sort out matches and tournaments, and means of transport for hers players, which can be stressful and time consuming. When Lesley Dixon has picked her team for a match from her squad she then tells the Netball associate, who then inform the players and provide them with information. When Mrs Hyams has picked the team, she then has to go and find them to tell them. She then has to provide them with fixtures that she has done herself. Lesley Dixon has to has alot netball coaching experience having spent 8 years with Hertfordshire County and later as manager for the England FENA U17 team. This much experience has enabled Lesley to teach netball at a national standard. Where as Mrs Hyams has a level one coaching qualification and no other netball coaching experience. Lesley Dixon represents the netball association she has a lot of pressure because if the national team is not winning matches they will not be bale to qualify for matches against other national teams in a well publicized tournament such as the qualify stages of a manger up coming tournament. This will look bad and the England team will lose support if they do not compete in major matches or tournaments. When Mrs Hyams prepares the netball teams for matches, there is not as much pressure because all netballs teams are entered in to tournaments. So there is no need for qualifying matches. There is also less pressure on Mrs Hyams because there is limited interest in the results of the Barclay netball team, so no one hears if they do well or not. School netball league is competitive but not as competitive as national games. Lesley Dixon gets paid every month for coaching the national England netball team, where as Mrs Hyams who coaches the school team out of school hours, does not get paid for doing so. When one of Lesley Dixon players is injured on court or suffers from injuries during training, she has the medical staff available to treat her players. So she doesnt have to have a medical or first aid qualification. Mrs Hyams has to have a first aid qualification, so when a member of the netball teams is injured, she has to treat them or escort them of court. Ways in which Mrs Hyams can improve her netball coaching ability is to go on level 2 netball coaching course at Bedfordshire Time Venue TBA. This will enable to teach netball at a higher standard and have more knowledge of the game. Mrs Hyams could also go on an beginner umpiring course at Eaton CNS School Easton Road Norwich, so when she umpires her netball teams matches and other netball teams; she can be more competent and confident in her decisions when umpiring. Most of netball team see Mrs Hyams more as a friend than a netball coach. This can sometime lead to a lack of concentration from the players, because we do not see her as an authoritive figure. To improve this Mrs Hyams could be disciplined, which would inevitable cause the team to be more focused. Although Mrs Hyams netball team, who she has coached since year seven have gone on to win the district tournament four years running. This shows Mrs Hyams dedication and hard work as well as the teams. There are not a lot of things Lesley Dixon could do to improve her netball coaching ability. One thing she could do is make netball more publicised so more people start to take notice of netball. This is because to be at a national coaching standard you need to be fully focused and qualified. These qualities are what makes a good coach and cant be faulted. Although Lesley Dixons team have recently failed to pass the test matches against Jamaica. Both types of netball coaches from national standard to school standard have to be knowledgeable about the game in order to lead and coach it to members of the team. The two different coaches have the same principle of coaching which is to teach the game, but have very different responsibilities.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of FedEx marketing channels

Analysis of FedEx marketing channels Generally, a channel designed to make the service available to customers. A service without good marketing channel consider useless because it is not accessible for customer to get the service. FedEx as a service company that mainly focuses on transportation or shipment services, channel played an important role leading to success. FedEx need a good channel to get and reach more customers. FedEx has a strong network structure linking all the market together. FedEx serves more than 220 countries and territories currently. Further, these networks are linked up by land, air and ocean transportation. FedExs service covered all around the globe, making services available for customers from many countries and almost every place. FedEx has many drops off location around the globe. Customer can choose either one drop- off location that is nearest to them. FedEx has great air network, having more than 320 daily international flight and 654 aircraft ready to ship the packages. FedEx has many hubs around the world working as a midpoint of delivering the packages. There are four hubs in Asia pacific. That is Shanghai, Osaka, Seoul and Guang Zhou. Besides, FedEx has hubs in London, Colonge, Frankfurt and Paris which will later ship the parcel around the European area. Moreover, hubs that link the Latin America, the Caribbean and Canada was in Memphis and Miami. One thing that makes FedEx so special out of so many transportation or shipping company is the collection of airplane uses by FedEx in order to ship the parcel. FedEx is the first company who use the plane called Boeing 777. The uniqueness of the plane is the plane is fuel saver. It shorter the transit time with larger space to put the parcel. This had made the overnight carrier service possible. FedEx was famous in its overnight service. Customers can receive their packages at the same time on the next day. The strong backbone of shipping network structure by FedEx makes this service available. An example given to explained how FedEx manage to ship the parcel between 24 hours and reach at 10.30am. A customer decided to ship his parcel from Shang Hai to New York City. FedEx pick up the shipment in time to make the same-day trans-oceanic flight. FedEx picked up the package from client at the time of 4:50 pm, Tuesday. The package was delivered to Shang Hais facility for sorting process. Then, the package reaches Shang Hai Pudong International Airport at 9:30 pm. At 11:30 pm, the package leaves China and in the Boeing 777 aircraft on the way direct to Memphis, Tenn. The flight travel east of the Pacific Ocean and passed the International Date Line. At the time 11:30 pm, the package arrived in Memphis. In Memphis, the package was on loaded, cleared, sorted and reloaded on to a flight from Memphis to Newark. In Newark, the shipment ship by truck to New York City. This is how the package from Shang Hai reach client in New York City and at the time 10:30 am Wednesday. From the example, the package was first picked up and sends to the facility for process, then to airport. The package then reach the hub and been process again. Finally, the package was delivered by motorized vehicle. FedEx has more than 43,000 motorized vehicles which make FedEx manage to reach many places in different country. Example of motorized vehicle commonly used by FedEx was trucks, vans, containers, and also tricycles. FedEx delivered by electrically-assisted tricycles in Paris to avoid traffic jam in order to ship in time. The tricycle was designed to put packages back on the tricycle. It has a removable storage container that places between the back two wheels. It is 100 per cent electrical and it has to start manually. It is 100 per cent eco-friendly and it enable delivery work more efficient even faster that a car or truck. FedEx not only ship with aircraft and motorized vehicles, but also by ocean cargo. It provides another choice for customer to choose. The ocean cargo services provided by FedEx linking North America, Latin America, the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and the Middle East together. Besides, FedEx has enough amount of ocean cargo to make their services, choosing on the space of cargo available. For example, allow customer to have full-container-load (FCL) for user that need huge space and less-than-container-load (LCL) for those customer that do not need so much cargo space. Further, FedEx has ocean cargo with different facility like refrigerator, on-board cranes, on the cargo ship to provide the service like ship dry or liquid bulk shipments and handle heavy shipments to smaller ports. Moreover, customers usually expect their package to ship in time with good condition. FedEx understand that and come out a solution that is provided packing service. It tried to help in avoiding damage in packages. In order to make the service available, one of the FedExs subsidiary company was designed to become one of the channels in helping customers to pack their packages. So, customers can now bring their package to any of the FedEx Office and ask for pack up service. Further, FedEx knows that this the era of information technology. Everyone seems to be online often and many things can be done online. FedEx understand that there is a need to open a web site as a channel in order to make the service available for more people, especially for those who seldom go out and always do online shopping. The website makes the process of shipping easier. Everyone can use the service. Now, FedExs customer can ship online with few step and avoid many process of filling up the forms. FedEx reach customers in many different ways. Beside of online, by air, by land, and by sea, FedEx reach customers by telephone and fax. This is another channel provided by FedEx to customer called and pick up service. In order to provide convenient to customer, understanding some people might think lazy to go out just for dropping a small package, and also for people who definitely very busy and lack of time, called and pick up service is a very good way to reach them. Customer can just dial FedExs customer service number and ask for a pick up. FedEx will pick up the package from you and the great thing was the time count once the package was picked up by them. Further, Customer can fax to the company to have the service. In another hand, mobile phone or smart phone are uses as a channel to reach more customers. Smart phone become very popular nowadays. People tend to have one smart phone to do many tasks on the go. FedEx makes the website of FedEx available for smart phone user, trying to attract more customers to use their service. FedEx customer can do tracking of parcel, schedule a pick up, and even billing by using phone. It makes the service become very convenient especially for those who usually travel around and wish to deliver their parcel. FedEx understand the important of customer service. So, a company called FedEx Service is there specialized in information technology. They providing back up and information like tracking information, customers detail, and customers history of using FedExs services, estimate the duties and taxes and handle the claims and complaints. Besides, the company also provides information about the service and company. It is to make the customer service and online tool available at all the time whenever customer needed them. Furthermore, it is a guide for customer because much information was provided on the web site. One of the channels in marketing is employee. As a service provider, employee is the first who reach the customer and make the service available. It often leads to satisfaction of customer. In order to make the service deliver in a certain standard, employee is been train. The employees required test in every six months to ensure their skills meet minimum acceptable requirements. Extra training was required for those who are not met the minimum requirement. Employees need to go through computer-based training, satellite broad-cast training, and staff-conducted training in order to perform the service to customer. FedExs channels are backed by the computer system called COSMOS. That is Customers, Operations and Services Master Online System. It is a centralized computer system to manage people, packages, vehicles and weather scenarios in real time. It is to make sure all the channels are working properly.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Love in the Brain Essay -- Psychology Psychological Neurological Paper

Love in the Brain Does brain equal behavior? Some people have argued that they have difficulty saying it does because they find it hard to believe that our individual, tangible brain controls emotions that many consider to be intangible, such as being in love. This paper will discuss the role that the brain actually plays in love- why we are attracted to certain people, why we feel the way we do when we are around them, and whether or not this is enough to say that in the case of love, brain does equal behavior. The first stage of romantic love begins with attraction. Whether you have been best friends for a long time or you just met the person, you begin your romantic relationship when there is that feeling of attraction. But why are we attracted to some people and not to others? Some research and experimentation suggests that pheromones play a role in attraction ((1), (2), (3), (4)). Although the existence of pheromones in humans and the method by which individuals detect them is still under debate and requires further research, a study by Stern and McClintock on pheromones in women's underarm secretion gives the most solid evidence for the existence of human pheromones ((5)). It has been hypothesized that the brain detects these pheromones through an organ known as the vomeronasal organ (VNO), by receptors, or by the terminal nerve in the nostrils ((5)). Despite the fact that pheromones and how they are detected in humans is controversial, it has been suggested that selectivity for c ertain pheromones might explain why we are only attracted to certain people ((6)). Research agrees, however, that whether or not pheromones exist, they are not the only reason we are attracted to an individual. Other facto...'s in a name? Bioscience. July 1998: 505-511. 6) Love Chemistry: New studies analyze love's effects 7) Mating and Temperament 8) What is chemistry and chemicals in love relationships 9) Chemicals 10) Love in the Brain 11) BBC News- Health- How the brain registers love 12) My search for love and wisdom in the brain by Marian Diamond 13) Bower, Bruce. Brain faces up to fear, social signs. Science News. Dec 1994: 406. 14) Biology of Love Love in the Brain Essay -- Psychology Psychological Neurological Paper Love in the Brain Does brain equal behavior? Some people have argued that they have difficulty saying it does because they find it hard to believe that our individual, tangible brain controls emotions that many consider to be intangible, such as being in love. This paper will discuss the role that the brain actually plays in love- why we are attracted to certain people, why we feel the way we do when we are around them, and whether or not this is enough to say that in the case of love, brain does equal behavior. The first stage of romantic love begins with attraction. Whether you have been best friends for a long time or you just met the person, you begin your romantic relationship when there is that feeling of attraction. But why are we attracted to some people and not to others? Some research and experimentation suggests that pheromones play a role in attraction ((1), (2), (3), (4)). Although the existence of pheromones in humans and the method by which individuals detect them is still under debate and requires further research, a study by Stern and McClintock on pheromones in women's underarm secretion gives the most solid evidence for the existence of human pheromones ((5)). It has been hypothesized that the brain detects these pheromones through an organ known as the vomeronasal organ (VNO), by receptors, or by the terminal nerve in the nostrils ((5)). Despite the fact that pheromones and how they are detected in humans is controversial, it has been suggested that selectivity for c ertain pheromones might explain why we are only attracted to certain people ((6)). Research agrees, however, that whether or not pheromones exist, they are not the only reason we are attracted to an individual. Other facto...'s in a name? Bioscience. July 1998: 505-511. 6) Love Chemistry: New studies analyze love's effects 7) Mating and Temperament 8) What is chemistry and chemicals in love relationships 9) Chemicals 10) Love in the Brain 11) BBC News- Health- How the brain registers love 12) My search for love and wisdom in the brain by Marian Diamond 13) Bower, Bruce. Brain faces up to fear, social signs. Science News. Dec 1994: 406. 14) Biology of Love

Friday, October 11, 2019

Nursing careplan

Care plan: Spiritual Distress Nursing Diagnosis: Â  Spiritual Distress (potential for) relating to separation from religious and spiritual ties. Goal #1 Client will feel the need for a minister or priest. Nursing Rx 1a.Arrange for ministers or priests to visit the client. 1b. Encourage the client to express his/her feelings to the clergy in privacy. 1c.Request the clergy to give a spiritually encouraging talk to the client. 1d. Provide the client with religious books or objects that would make them feel more oriented towards religion or spirituality Goal #2 In a multi-cultural or multi-religion society, a client may feel that his/her religion is dying. In other words, the client may feel that a lot of people are embracing other religions. Nursing Rx 2a. Listen patiently to the client. 2b.Encourage the client to express his feelings. 2c.Help the client to make a list of the important aspects and the favorite practices of his/her religion. 2d.Assist the client in making a plan to make people embrace his/her religion so that they feel better. Goal #3 Client may feel the inability to perform the daily rites. Nursing Rx 3a. Provide the client with religious books and objects that will be comforting. 3b. Offer to read the religious books. 3c. Encourage the client to talk about his/her religion and the practices followed. Goal #4 Client may feel that he/she is worthlessness (due to hospitalization) and this may lead to spiritual disorientation. Nursing Rx 4a. Encourage the client to do small tasks that are possible. 4b. Prepare a plan with short-term goals. 4c. Comfort the client by reiterating the sense of worth and the accomplishments they have made during their life-time. 4d. Discuss with the clients the feelings of his hopelessness. 4e. Provide client with physical outlets to vent out their tensions. 4f. Encourage the client to have a positive outlook towards life. Goal #5 Clients may feel lonely and this may lead to spiritual disorientation. Nursing Rx 5a. Request family members and friends to visit the client regularly. 5b. Hold client’s hand if he/she is comfortable with touch. 5c.Interact verbally with the client a lot. 5d. Encourage client to talk to other clients if it is possible. Goal #6 Some clients may have been directly affected by Vietnamese war and this could lead to spiritual distress. Nursing Rx 6a. Assure the client that it is peace time and talk about the positive aspects of life. 6b. Help the client to overcome the feelings of being affected in the war. 6c. Encourage the clients to talk about their accomplishments and their goals in life. Goal #7 Client may point out the disturbances in the religion or the rituals or practices that he/she is opposed to in the religion. Nursing Rx 7a. Assist the client to make a list of important and unimportant aspects of his/her religion. 7b. Acknowledge the opposition of client to certain religious practices and rituals. 7c.Encourage the client to focus on the positive aspects of his/her religion.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

History Of Multifocal Bone Infarctions Health And Social Care Essay

Osteonecrosis is a common complication of corticosteroid therapy. In this survey, we report the instance of a patient with injury of both articulatio genuss 1 twelvemonth back who has been diagnosed with knee osteonecrosis affecting bilateral proximal tibial and distal thighbone likely due to microvascular hurt to proximal shinbone and distal thighbone. A 22-year-old male patient presented with a history of writhing hurt of both articulatio genuss.He had non taken any drug, In malice of some anodynes, that leads to osteonecrosis. One twelvemonth subsequently, he developed bilateral anterior articulatio genus hurting of insidious oncoming. Magnetic resonance imagination performed on admittance showed osteonecrosis of the bilateral proximal tibial and distal thighbone, about every bit pronounced in the shinbone and thighbone. Osteonecrosis is a reasonably common complication in patients with the history of corticoid usage for the intervention of assortment of systemic and arthritic ups ets. The status can attest itself anyplace in the skeletal system, most normally in the femoral caput. Distal thighbone and proximal shinbone with bilateral engagement is rather rare in the literature. Injury of both articulatio genuss and within one twelvemonth gross osteonecrosis of bilateral articulatio genus articulation is rarest presentation. BONE INFARCTION: known by other names i.e. Avascular mortification, osteonecrosis, sterile mortification, ischaemic bone mortification and AVN ) is a disease due to break of blood supply of tissues, because of vascular via media, cellular decease of bone occur that leads to prostration. It is largely occur in the country where blood supply is unstable and by terminal arterias. It is largely occur at hip articulation but late there is increased opportunity of infarction in weight bearing country of articulatio genus articulation besides and leads to gross devastation of articular surfaces and whole articulations and ligaments. There are many theories about what causes avascular mortification. Hazard factors are chemotherapy in malignant neoplastic disease patient, long term usage of intoxicant and steroid, station injury, decompression illness, vascular via media due to arterial intercalation and thrombosis due to intimal harm, Radiation, prolonged usage of bisphosphonate in osteoporo sis, blood upsets, such as reaping hook cell disease, Glycogen storage upset i.e. Gaucher disease. Commonest is idiopathic. Systemic lupus erythematous, Rheumatoid arthritis, Prolonged, repeated exposure to high force per unit areas etc. So bone infarction can happen by two ways one is primary due to direct hurt of blood supply by child or terrible injury known as self-generated osteonecrosis of the articulatio genus ( SPONK ) , is ill understood but seems to be the consequence of some type of injury to the articulatio genus. It normally affects merely one articulatio genus and most frequently a individual country within the articulatio genus. The country of bone in the articulatio genus loses its normal blood supply and may finally weaken and prostration. This typically leads to trouble and functional restrictions. The hurting is frequently sudden oncoming and increases with weight bearing, step mounting, and at dark. SPONK is most frequently seen in aged adult females with osteopo rosis and secondrily due to drawn-out exposure of hazard factors, affect multiple countries of the articulatio genus, and 80 % of people have both articulatio genuss affected.Case HistoryA 22-year-old adult male with no important medical history presented after the one twelvemonth of in important history of injury complained of left articulatio genus hurting, which he noted after making difficult work and remainder and sometime without associated injury. Pain became worse at dark.He is holding a good scope of articulatio genus gesture bilaterally but terminally terrible painful. Initially he is able to his day-to-day modus operandis but after few old ages subsequently he is non able to make his modus operandi and progressive fatigues additions, musculus neglect wasting, and failing around the joint. He is besides holding history of ictuss for which he is taking intervention but the cause is non cleared because CT encephalon is normal. Everyday research lab scrutiny showed neutrophilia, thrombocytosis, with a hemoglobin degree of 11.3 g/dL, entire WBC count 14100, N 85 % , L 44 % , M 12 % , RBC 3.84, HCT 35 % , MCV 91 % , MCH 29.5pg, MCHC32.3g/dl, RDW14.8 % , ph4.58, MPV 7.7, PCT 0.35 % , PDW 16, and a elevated ESR 101.Periphral vilification shows no sickling. An MRI of the left articulatio genus showed increased ruddy bone marrow within the distal thighbone and proximal tibia/fibula, ab initio thought to be compatible with anaemia from an unexplained inflammatory procedure. Further urologic and gastro enterologic workup was negative. There is no history of steroid or other drug consumptions along with no any drawn-out exposure of hazard factors.Clinical Photograph:Degree centigrades: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.26.49.jpg Fig ( 1 ) Bilateral articulatio genus with normal skin coloring material with same degree of kneecap with mild gush in left sideXRAY OF LEFT KNEEDegree centigrades: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 13.59.11.jpgfig ( 2 ) : radiogram of bilateral articulatio genuss joint with decresed joint infinite with distal femur median compartment articular devolution with little addition denseness of median femoral articular border.MRI OF R T KNEE JOINTDegree centigrades: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.08.28.jpgC: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.11.41.jpgC: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.09.42.jpg Fig ( 3 ) : There is grounds of extended chronic medullary bone infarct in metaphyseal part of thighbone and shinbone with features dual line mark with deficiency of internal hydrops and widening upto the subchondral home base with prostration of the articular border of thighbone. There is marrow hydrops in subarticular part of shinbone and thighbone. Rate 2 myxoid degenerative alterations are seen in the anterior horn of sidelong semilunar cartilage and posterior horn of median semilunar cartilage, break of normal additive uninterrupted low signal strength of anterior cruciate ligament with partial break of fiber at tibial and femoral fond regard.MRI OF LEFT KNEEDegree centigrades: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.11.41.jpg C: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.12.39.jpgC: UsersuserPictures2013-02-15 14.12.06.jpg Fig ( 4 ) : There is grounds of extended chronic medullary bone infarct in metaphyseal part of thighbone and shinbone with features dual line mark with deficiency of internal hydrops and widening upto the subchondral home base with prostration of the articular border of thighbone. There is marrow hydrops in subarticular part of shinbone and thighbone. Tear of anterior horn of median semilunar cartilage. Modrate joint gush predominately in supra patellar pouch.MRI of BRAIN:Brain parenchyma shows normal MR morphology and grey white distinction, there is no focal parenchymal lesion. Basal gangia and thalmi are normal in volume and signal strength. Mid encephalon, Ponss, and myelin are cardinal and appear normal in signal strength. The cerebellar hemisphere are normal. Ventricular system are normal. WHOLE BODY BONE SCANC: UsersuserPictures2013-02-20 10.23.45.jpg Degree centigrades: UsersuserPictures2013-02-20 10.23.29.jpg Fig ( 5 ) : Skeltal scintigraphy done with20mci of 99m Tc-MDP endovenous and graph taken in three stages post injection revels. ( 1 ) : Flow stage ( immediate station injection ) : there is addition flow in part of bilateral articulatio genuss articulation ( 2 ) : Blood pool stage ( 5 min station injection ) : there is pooling in the part of bilateral articulatio genuss articulation ( 3 ) : Delayed stage ( 3 hour station injection ) : there is increase tracer uptake in the part of bilateral articulatio genus articulation, distal shaft of bilateral thighbone, proximal shaft of bilateral shinbone Suggestive of: -non specific arthritis bilateral articulatio genuss joint with infarct in distal shaft of bilateral thighbones and proximal shaft of bilateral shinbone.PreventionAt the present, there is no known bar but we can decrese the opportunity of AVN by extinguishing the hazard factors. Avoid Immuno-suppressants and other drugs such as Steroids, Glucocorticoid, Indocin, and Butazolidin and drugs that prevent the loss of bone mass such as Bisphosphonate ( diphosphonates ) .Foods that are good and nourish castanetss contain Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C and Vitamin D.TreatmentThe end in this instance is to better the map and to look into farther harm to the bone so that bone and joint survived. Without intervention, most people with the disease will see terrible hurting and restriction in motion. To find the most appropriate intervention, the physician considers the followers: the age of the patient, the phase of the disease ( early or late ) , the location and whether bone is a ffected over a little or big country, the underlying cause of osteonecrosis. The articulatio genus is the 2nd most common location for osteonecrosis after hip. The disease can be classified into 4 phases — phase I: patterned advance from no radiographical findings ; phase II: a little flattening of a the median condyle ; phase Three: visual aspect of a radiolucent lesion: and present IV: articular gristle prostration. There are two typical entities: ( I ) self-generated osteonecrosis of the articulatio genus ( SPONK ) , and ( two ) secondary osteonecrosis of the articulatio genus. They are differentiated by age of presentation, associated hazard factors ( e.g. usage of corticoid and alcohol addiction ) , location, lateralization, and condylar engagement. First stop hazard factors i.e. corticoid or intoxicant usage, intervention may non work unless usage of the substance is stopped. Early infarcts ( before X ray alterations are apparent ) can be treated with a surgical process called nucleus decompression and bone grafting or autologous bone marrow organ transplant to better circulation of affected country, but one time the condyle has lost its contour, nucleus decompression will non assist in hurting alleviation and farther prostration of the weight-bearing zone. The of import end to accomplish at this phase is the immobilisation of the affected country. Early Reconstruction, with debridement of the necrotic zone and replacing of the dead bone with autologous bone reinforced to back up the subchondral bone at hazard of prostration. Later phases of avascular mortification ( when X ray alterations have occurred ) necessarily advancement to a earnestly damaged bone and/or articulation that require arthroplasty or joint replacing surgery.DISCUSIONOsteonecrosis has been reported during or after the class of steroid intervention in several conditions such as reaping hook cell disease, systemic lupus erythematus, ulcerative inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn 'sdisease. Corticosteroids are believed to heighten the microvascular ischaemia by diminishing bone blood flow along with increased bone marrow force per unit area due to intra medullary lipocytes hypertrophy. The status can attest itself anyplace in the skeletal system, most normally in the femoral caput, but similar alterations have been reported in the distal articulatio genus, proximal shinbone, humerus, cubitus and the pes. No clear cut regulations exit sing the dosage and continuance of corticoid intervention followed by manifestation of osteonecrosis. Reported instances have documented it every bit early as 6 months to every bit tardily as three old ages. On carnal theoretical account it is reported to be found one hebdomad after the initial steroid disposal. Osteonecrosis begins perniciously and frequently the diagnosing is easy missed and delayed due to often normal field radiogram in early portion of the disease even in the presence of pathological alterations. MRI has bee n reported to be more sensitive and specific to observe osteonecrosis in an early stage. In diagnostic patients with negative field radiogram or MRI findings, the radionuclide bone scan is recommended. It is extremely sensitive for showing the countries of enhanced focal consumption before the alterations are evident on other imaging modes. Conservative intervention options including anodynes, braces, reduced weight bearing, bed remainder, deep heat modes and ROM exercisings are offered, but nil has been proved to be of much significance besides offering a impermanent diagnostic alleviation. None of the intervention options are believed to change the class of the disease. If diagnosed at an early phase, prostration of the subchondral bone and patterned advance of the disease may be averted in some patients by diminishing the joint emphasis and by developing mobility. Different surgical attacks including nucleus decompression, curettement, and bone graft have been tried with contradi ctory out comes, nevertheless, the ultimate intervention is frequently a joint replacing in badly involved articulations.DecisionIt is a common complication in patients with a history of anterior articulatio genus hurting of long continuance with history of injury or associated with other hazard factors of osteonecrosis genrally short-run or long-run corticoid. These instances are really hard to name initial phases with simple conventional imaging techniques. A careful scrutiny with high index of intuition is indispensable while covering with patients with anterior articulatio genus hurting. MRI and radionuclide bone scan are helpful in observing a field radiogram negative lesion. After clinical and radiological rating and verification of such lesion that affect the 2nd most common site after hip i.e. articulatio genus should be managed after proper theatrical production, taking to accomplish hurting free articulatio genus motion with non further deterioting the articulatio genus ma p and to better the morbidity of patient life.